The following publications contain information about James Calhoun:
Article: "War With the Sioux: Indian Fights and Fighters; Part II – The Last of Custer" by Cyrus Townsend Brady • Pearson's Magazine • September 1904.
Book: With Custer in ‘74: James Calhoun’s Diary of the Black Hills Expedition • edited by Lawrence A. Frost • Brigham Young University Press • 1979.
Article: "Custer's Last Battle" by Charles King, Introduction by Paul L. Hedron • Annuals of Wyoming, Vol. 48, Spring 1976.
Cover Illustration: "Sgt. Butler, Capt. Keogh, & Lt. Calhoun at Fort Lincoln" • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XVIII, No. 2, February 1984.
Cover Illustration: "With Their Backs to the Wall" by Ralph Heinz • Heinz depicts the fighting on Calhoun Hill. • Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 2, May 1986.
Article: "Ghosts on the Little Bighorn" by Robert Paul Jordan • After a 1983 prairie fire cleared brush along Montana's Little Bighorn River, archaeologists recovered artifacts that shed new light on Custer's Last Stand. Robert Paul Jordan reports on the still controversial 1876 battle. Photographs by Scott Rutherford • The National Geographic Magazine • December 1986.
Article: "Frederic S. Calhoun" by Tom Buecker • Buecker writes about Fred Calhoun, an Army officer who sought unsuccessfully to join his older brother James by being assigned to the 7th U.S. Cavalry. The Army's action saved Fred's life and spared him his brother's fate. Later, however, he would enter the Custer family through marriage. • Greasy Grass, Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association, Vol. 10, May 1994.
Cover Photograph: James Calhoun, Tom Custer and Tom McDougall, courtesy of the Collection of Chet Nelson • Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, Vol. XXVIII, No. 5, July 1994.